Our Sproodle Mascots

Meet our Sproodle mascots. A Sproodle is a cross between a Springer Spaniel (Faith) and a Poodle (Rolo). We were lucky enough to welcome Charlie into our family in 2016. He is a confident but sensitive dog and was a challenge for several local dog trainers! He is an intelligent, intuitive, loving, loyal, mischievous and complicated soul!

Every day is a learning day with Charlie! We learn more about him and understand him better as he begins to understand us and what we are trying to communicate! Our ‘training’ is an on-going process and the more we spend time with him, the more enjoyable he is and the more rewarded we are for our efforts.

Over the last couple of years we have made contact with some of Charlie’s siblings and we were struck by how different they all are in looks, behaviour and temperament. They are all unique but clearly adored by each and every family.

We chose our Sproodle family to be our Parental Minds mascots as they reflect the individuality of all our children and help us to celebrate the uniqueness of all the families that we support.

Our Sproodles appear on some of our resources and help us to raise valuable funds for Parental Minds.

These are handy sized notebook for anyone to use for shopping lists to poetry!

We suggest our families use these notebooks at Parent+ Support Hub meetings, during their support calls and at any workshops they attend. They can take notes and build their own ‘support plan’ for when things are difficult, noting useful numbers as well as ideas that they find helpful to ground themselves or ways to express their emotions, as well as other useful tips. This way everything is in one place and easy to refer to in challenging times or times of crisis.