
Feb 2, 2021 | All Resources, How do others cope?

Have you ever had that light bulb moment, that moment of clarity when it all makes sense? For months or years you have been trying to figure out why your child is suffering with mental health issues? Why your child injures themselves by cutting, headbanging, restricting their food intake or binging or taking an overdose? Suddenly it hits you, it all makes sense!!

If you can only speak to a professional and explain what’s going on then and only then will your child receive the therapy they need. Your realisation will set them on the path to recovery and all will then be well.

Time goes on, you try to explain how things are, but the professionals explain their version to you and you believe them, after all, they are trained and experienced, they must know.

So you continue on their pathway, but things don’t improve, they become more severe, more dangerous. You try to help but you feel defenceless, powerless to help, to intervene. Then – BANG you hit a crisis.

Another Expert tells you they have a different plan, a different route, they are right this time, they know how to make things better. You agree, you support, you help; things improve and you find the pathway of hope. Then BANG it hits you again. Another crisis.

You have a light bulb moment, that moment of clarity when it all makes sense! You were almost right before, but this time, it makes perfect sense. If you can only explain what’s going on to the professionals; then and only then will your child receive the therapy they need. Your realisation will set them on the path to recovery and all will be well this time.

Then you pause, you stop. You give yourself a giant hug. You speak to yourself with kindness and you have another lightbulb moment, another moment of clarity, when nothing around you makes sense.

You realise whatever the reason, whatever the trigger, whatever you think, whatever you’ve learnt, all you can do is provide love and patience until your child is ready to seek the right help, at the right time from the right people…for them. All you can do is be there. All you can do is support them and love them and be there, waiting; letting them know you are always there, however hard the journey and however long it takes.