WhenName of EventWhereFurther Information
Devon Youth Council NewsletterNewsletterhttps://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKDEVONCC/bulletins/36969a9
Devon Safer Lives and Communities – Understanding Healthy Relationship Needs in DevonAnonymous Online Form There is a new anonymous survey designed to better understand how people in Devon see issues around healthy family relationships, domestic abuse and violence and how these impact daily lives.

By relationships can refer to couples but also relationships between siblings, child and parent relationships and friendships.
To take part, fill out this anonymous survey. They are interested in hearing about people’s relationship experiences and journeys where things have not always worked out. For both men and women, this could mean the relationship left you afraid, confused or upset, your partner was controlling, harassed you, stalked you, or forced you to do things you did not want to do.

The main goal is to hear about how you felt and your own impressions on whether there is the right support out there for people stuck in an unhealthy relationship or if more can be done to make them feel safer. This survey is for anyone with experience of domestic abuse, current or historic.
They value all views and ideas. The information you share will be used to better understand the needs in Devon of those who face abuse of any kind and will also be used to develop future services, such as domestic and sexual violence support and ensure there is the best possible Domestic Abuse support available across Devon for people who need it.

If you are affected by any topic raised within this survey you can find support by calling Fearless on 0345 155 1074 or visit FearLess – www.fear-less.org.uk Alternatively, the free National Domestic Abuse Helpline is available 24 hours a day, all year round on 0808 2000 247.
How can employed parents who support young people with mental health difficulties be better supported?Online interviewAre you a parent in employment, and caring for a young person aged between 11 and 25 years, who is experiencing mental health difficulties for which they are accessing services?

Up to twenty parents in this situation are being invited to take part in an interview to help gain new insights into the difficulties experienced, particularly around juggling caring and employment. This knowledge will help to inform future work to identify what support is needed.

If you choose to take part, more information about the project will be sent to you to read, and there will be an online interview (lasting approximately an hour) at a mutually agreeable time. You will be asked questions about your experiences and given the opportunity to stay connected with the
project if you wish to.

Interested in being involved: then please send an
email to jparsonage@brookes.ac.uk.
University of Bristol – Exploring the
experiences of Black
parents and carers of
SEND adolescents in
secondary education
Interviews (F2F, telephone, Microsoft Teams)Aims: To reflect on the experiences of Black parents/carers on inclusion in
secondary education.

Research requires participants who meet the following criteria:
– Black parents/carers. This includes birth parents, foster carers, special
guardianship, and kinship carers.
– Who have a child (currently in secondary education) with a special
educational need, on the special needs register and/or has an Education
Health Care plan (EHC plan).
– Live in Gloucestershire or within 35-mile radius of Gloucester.

To learn more and to participate, use this link:

The research will use interviews, which will be carried out by me. Participants will have the option of choosing how they would like to be interviewed. The options offered are interview in-person, via the
telephone, or online using Microsoft Teams. These interviews will be audio recorded, and handwritten notes may also be used during the interview. There is not a set time for the interview, however it would be beneficial to allow up to an hour and a half.

If you require any further information or would like to participate in my research project, please contact, Joanna Bennett, at jb15414@bristol.ac.uk. This research has been funded by University of Bristol as part of the researchers’ course, Doctorate Educational Psychology (DEdPsy).
JulyFamily FootstepsLondon, OnlineCALLING PARENTS AND CARERS! – dads and mums and anyone caring for children – Family Footsteps would love to hear your views on how mental health concerns occur in families, and how you would like researchers to help understand and tackle these concerns. We are aiming to share more evidence-based information that feels relevant and meaningful to you and your family and need your help to guide us.
Researchers at King’s College London have teamed up with Bethlem Gallery and Centre for Mental Health to run a series of creative workshops with parents and carers this July, 2024…
Our 2-hour in-person workshops will be in London this July with textiles artist and parent Amber Roper. With Amber, you can use materials to build a family photo frame while we chat, if you want!
Our 1-hour online workshops will be purely discussion based evenings.
You will receive a £35 shopping voucher for taking part. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/bduwvurx

 More information about Family Footsteps can be found here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/family-footsteps.
Testimonies from parents and carers who took part in March…
“Such a brilliant idea to do something creative whilst discussing the overall topic”
“Doing a creative activity created a safe space to share personal experiences.”
“An opportunity to connect on a deep and meaningful level with other parents
“It was a relaxing and welcoming environment”
“Loved the creativity and how easy it was to share with everyone.”